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How I can support you


#1 Participatory processes

By leveraging participatory tools and social innovation methodologies, I transform uncertainty into specific action steps for impactful solutions.

* Participatory processes & co-creation to include all the voices in designing with impact and collaborating for transformation.

* Communicating change with your community.

* User research to understand the deep needs of your target group or community.


#2 Design for systemic solutions

and social innovation

I can help you integrate systemic and resilient practices in projects, policies, programs, open calls and strategies.


* Systemic design from 0 to 100, so you can tackle the real challenge and not the symptoms of a problem.

* How can we apply systemic thinking in our day-to-day operations and mindset?

* Data processing to navigate the complexity of your environment and be sure that you choose the leverage point.


#3 Organisational development

I support the implementation of learning processes and strategies that bring lasting change for everyone.


* Learning design processes that include everyone -your team, partners, stakeholders- and nourish human relationships among them.

* Strategy design and yearly priorities to help your team flourish.

* Applying theory of change and systemic thinking from your values and high-level strategy to your daily operations.


#4 Facilitating safe spaces

I create and facilitate safe online & offline spaces where diverse leaders, social innovators, and changemakers build their capacity, cross-pollinate and co-design.


* Design Sprints to find collective solutions quickly.

* Retreats in the nature for your team to realign your purpose and create stronger relationships.
* Interactive sessions online and offline that create a space to learn, collaborate and laugh.

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